Holo-Spot: Accessible Robot Control in Mixed Reality
Holo-Spot: Accessible Robot Control in Mixed Reality
Ganlin Zhang*, Deheng Zhang*, Longteng Duan*, Guo Han*
Course project of Mixed Realiy 2022 in ETH Zurich
Github Repo | Project website
In this project, we design, implement and deploy a mixed-reality-based method with HoloLens 2 that enables users to control the Boston Dynamics Spot robot.

NICE-SLAM with Adaptive Feature Grids
NICE-SLAM with Adaptive Feature Grids
Ganlin Zhang, Deheng Zhang, Feichi Lu, Anqi Li
Course project of 3D Vision 2022 in ETH Zurich
Github Repo
In this project, we present a sparse version of NICE-SLAM, which is a SLAM system incorporating the idea of Voxel Hashing into NICE-SLAM framework. Instead of initializing feature grids in the whole space, voxel features near the surface are adaptively added and optimized.

Optimization by Particle Swarm Using Surrogates via Bunch-Kaufman Pivoting and Standard Optimization
Optimization by Particle Swarm Using Surrogates via Bunch-Kaufman Pivoting and Standard Optimization
Ganlin Zhang*, Deheng Zhang*, Junpeng Gao*, Yu Hong*
Course project of Advanced System Lab 2022 in ETH Zurich
Github Repo
Focus on speeding up black-box optimization algorithm OPUS from paper Particle Swarm with Radial Basis Function Surrogates for Expensive Black-box Optimization by Rommel G. Regis.
Besides, we implement the speed-up C++ version of Bunch-Kaufman Pivoting.

Improved PSMNet for Deep Stereo Disparity Estimation
Improved PSMNet for Deep Stereo Disparity Estimation
Ganlin Zhang*, Haokai Pang*, Xinyu Shen*, Yunying Zhu*
Course project of Deep Learning 2021 in ETH Zurich
Github Repo
Combining PSM Net, group-wise corr, dilatedResNet, semantic segmentation information to estimate accurate disparity of stereo image pairs efficiently.

Robot Art: Using Robot Arm to Draw Pictures
Robot Art: Using Robot Arm to Draw Pictures
Ganlin Zhang*, Teng Xu*, Weijie Lyu*, Zhenzhong Tang* Ziyuan Hu*
Course project of Introduction to Robotics 2019 in UC Berkeley
Github Repo | Project website
We design a path-finding algorithm that could generate a path to draw a potrait/character in one stroke. Then we use our self-designed control system to draw these path. This project would be useful for any arm-robots with at least 4 joints.